1 - Introduce yourself:
Hi everyone. My name is Polina Voziyan. I'm a designer. I am studying motion design and 3D graphics. I really like this direction in CG art.
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2 - Which artists inspire you and why?
I adore Peter Tarka, Roger Kilimanjaro for the elegance of their work. I also admire BrickSpacer for his rebellious creativity.
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3 - What’s the most important thing to know about you?
3 most important things (not necessarily related to work) I am a creative person, I respect yoga and cats :)
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4 - What qualities and skills should a designer have?
I think that any designer, first of all, should be able to draw at least a little bit.
It is very important to train your imagination and creativity, as well as skills in the implementation of your ideas.
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5 - What are you most proud of?
I am proud when my design projects help people and my clients are happy with my work.
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6 - What advice would you give for a young designer?
First of all, from my point of view, young designers need to listen to their heart and direct their energies to the area of design that he likes the most.
It can be web design, packaging design, crypto art, games industry ... whatever.
The truth is that a designer always needs to learn, develop taste and skills. The main thing is to do what you love, then work will be a joy.
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About Bobolink
Bobolink is the master crafter of strategic and creative marketing services. We deliver an impressive, memorable and unique experience, thanks to an avant-garde thought process coupled with the implementation of the latest technologies. We adopt a user-centered approach to bring business to life.